Sunday, May 16, 2010

When you ask for happiness..

Most of the time our prayers are always answered in ways we didn't expect and not all the time it is meant to be given to us by The Lord. Prayers are very powerful means of communicating with our Lord, and as an extreme believer to God's grace prayers means something to me all the time. Whenever I'm sad it feels like God is my only friend and Prayer is my only way to get through everything cause I know that when I surrender everything to him soon all will be ok.

Just like today. Honestly the whole day I was not in the mood to smile and be happy. I was grumpy all day and felt so stress, I even had an argument with my mom because she can't stand the fact that I am in a very bad mood the whole day and That I can't even smile. She was constantly asking me about the reason why I was like this the whole day and this irritated me. Yes!!! I am the ugly side of the Krislinne today but that was before I sat down tried to relax myself before I took a bath and deep within me I asked The Lord for happiness, I ask him to give a reason to even just smile for the day. Since God is very great in everything he answered me in a very literal way.. This was when I was walking just a while ago from the store to our home when suddenly I took notice of the sky where the moon as completely smiling with a star above it. Upon this moment I smiled and I was even amazed with what I saw. The moon was the answer to my conversation with the father and star was him.. I know that moment he was looking at me and telling me to smile and hand him all my worries. In God I trust and in God I lay my love..

This was the picture of the sign I saw a while ago.. My smiling moon and my star!


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