Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rush hour

Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Talking about cramming and running late, this morning I woke up late for my duty and rush to Fugoso health center. Upon arrival I hurried to fix myself and sited straightly to the front desk. The patients were on great number and I was rushing to attend to their needs. I admitted and interviwed almost 40 patients in just two hours. I was overwhelmed when I realized that I did almost 40 assessment and diagnosis to that great number of patients. My group mates told me that I did a great job and I was so happy hearing this!! Honestly my life as a student nurse is really tiring, from long hours of lectures and classes to late night shift of duties or early morning duties.. It is all tiring and forces me to bring out all the best that I have. The fact that I am still young is an advantage, cause it means I have greter source of energy pockets reserved on my body. My stress level is always higher than the usual lately, but I am really enjoying what I'm doing and I am looking forward to learn more. I really hope that sooner I could be better and help a lot of people. I think I would never grow tired of this job!! So much cramming for today.. My day ended well. since I have no more classes for today I think I'll be saving my time resting and sleeping for a long day tomorrow!


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