Sunday, February 21, 2010

Beauty Rest

Nothing beats a complete rest to make self more beautiful inside and out.

For the past few days I would admit that I've been neglecting my self needs because of my over "busy" schedule. I get only about 3 to 4 hours of sleep for the past two weeks because of stress (health issues, examination week, long hours of duty, after duty classes) It felt like I can't face the mirror for a while because I'm always on the hurry. But for this weekend I promised myself to focus and give time to myself somehow. A beauty rest would do and some minor cleaning up and a small make over for myself to create a new ambiance for myself. i just hope that I could do this for the whole weekend. I just need this for my! for inner happiness and self I am being materialistic and judgemental about happiness. So ciao for now..


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