Sunday, February 21, 2010

So much loving the weekend!

Happy Sunday everyone!

well this week will be the most free week of my life as a student nurse,I have a long weekend because of the holiday on Monday and the week will be all about intramural,I guess this will be a more relaxing week to rejuvenate my energy for the finals.. so much for the stress! I need time to rest.. Actually I have nothing more to say because there's nothing new about me, I just miss my blogging and I was just trying to divert my attention to other things rather than making myself bored all day. I'll be predicting a severe headache for me if I continue my day just lying on my bed with nothing to do. Good thing computers and Internets were invented, the reason or my number 1 anti boredom activity! For today I am planning to do my blogging and watch Dear friend later and attend mass,maybe I'll be doing my weekly guilty pleasures and that includes indulging myself into foods and having a dvd marathon with my sister. What a life!! I love my life this weekend! So loving it! I want to enjoy it while it last.


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